Continue to use the Matrix42 Service Management training environment (per day)


You will have the opportunity to continue using your training environment even after the training has ended in order to deepen what you have learned or to repeat exercises again.

License metric: One Time
Manufacturer Matrix42 GmbH


You will have the opportunity to continue using your training environment for 120€ per day even after the training has ended in order to deepen what you have learned or to repeat exercises again. The virtual environment of our provider Skytap is available to you from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. After the desired extension, the environment will be deleted and can no longer be restored. The training environment is not subject to an SLA and Matrix42 is not responsible for the correct functioning of the virtual environment. If you have technical problems with the environment, please contact



Matrix42 Trainingscenter Frankfurt
Elbinger Str. 7
60487 Frankfurt
